Landscape Construction
Soft Landscaping
Soft Landscaping Overview
Shaffrey Landscaping Ltd carry out all aspects of soft landscaping including:
- RSite clearance
- REarthworks
- RTopsoiling
- RTurfing
- RSeeding
- RTree planting
- ROrnamental shrub planting
Our staff have vast experience in assisting with the sorting out of specification issues, programme and budgeting requirements.
Screen & Structure Planting
We have successfully undertaken screen and structure planting along motorways and roads, around business parks and pharmaceutical plants.

Tree & Shrub Planting
Working with the leading landscape architects and planners we have many years’ experience in the planting of ornamental trees and shrubs for any environment including:
- NHigh profile business parks
- NUrban parks
- NCivic spaces
- NHousing developments
We are also experienced in the handling of mature trees from the selection process with the client, architect and specialist grower nurseries to the implementation and planting on site.

Preparation cultivation and seeding of large open spaces including:
- NSports fields
- NRoadside verges
- NTurfing
We are also experienced in the supply and installation of:
- NReinforced grass
- NFire access roads
- NArtificial synthetic grass

Wild Meadow Development
We have successfully developed a number of wildflower and native grass meadows. In order to ensure successful and long term establishment of the meadow, we are involved in:
- NSourcing of the seed mixture
- NCultivation and the seeding works
- NMaintenance and management of the meadow
Hard Landscaping
Hard Landscaping Overview
Hard landscaping has formed a major part of many of the landscape projects we have successfully implemented over the years.
Works have included:
- RKerbing
- RPaths
- RPaving
- RCar parks
- RWalls
- RLighting
- RSeating
- RResin paths
- RSignage
We have access to highly skilled and experienced staff working with the best materials to produce a quality finish.